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GAC Leadership

The GAC’s key role is to advise the OpenWallet Governing Board on various public policy issues that impact the future of the development and regulation of digital wallets.

The GAC Leadership includes the Chair and two Vice-Chairs, volunteer positions filled by GAC Government Representatives elected by the GAC voting participants.

The GAC Leadership team roles and responsibilities include:

  • Reflect a balanced representation of the geographic and development diversity of the participants.
  • Suggest priorities in the scope of the GAC role.
  • Identify and follow emerging trends and conversations on critical topics related to the GAC’s role and current or planned GAC activities.
  • Facilitate the discussion and input from all the GAC participants so no single interest predominates.
  • Explore ways to bridge the government’s requirements with the private sector’s expectations.

The GAC Chair is elected for a two-year term of office, renewable once. Strategic liaison with OWF, the Chair participates in the OWF Governing Board as an observer.

The two Vice-Chairs are elected for one year and may be re-elected for up to two consecutive terms. They substitute for the Chair as needed. 

GAC Chair

GAC Vice Chairs

OWF Support 

GAC participants and leadership receive support from the GAC Secretariat, which provides a range of services to all GAC leaders, participants, and observers to ensure its success and effectiveness and facilitate interaction between the GAC and other OWF constituencies.