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A special interest group (SIG) under the Technical Advisory Council (TAC) is a group with a shared interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge, learning, or technology related to the mission of the OpenWallet Foundation where members cooperate to affect or to produce solutions within their particular field. Unlike a task force, SIGs are typically long running and may or may not produce any deliverables. A SIG can be created by anyone in the OpenWallet Foundation community and must be proposed to and approved by the TAC.

If you would like to propose a Special Interest Group, please see the SIG proposal process.

Architecture SIG

Focused on conversations related to the architecture of digital wallet engines.


Credential Format Comparison SIG

Maintain information about available credential formats for the benefit of OWF projects and the wider community.


Digital Wallets and Agents Overview SIG

Further develop and maintain the Digital Wallet Overview and create a similar overview for digital identity agents/SDKs. These overviews should provide transparency of the characteristics of wallets and agents in order to allow for comparison and effective decision making on which wallet is applicable for your use case.


Safe Wallet SIG

Create, distribute and promote a set of material that will become the de-facto way to determine how “safe” the new breed of digital wallets is, and be able to compare them effectively. This will increase the visibility of the solutions to correlation and profiling issues that could be introduced with digital wallet deployments.
