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OWF Newsletter Issue #4: OWF Meets In Real Time

By February 24, 2025No Comments

We now have a process for this newsletter: you can expect this in your mailbox on the 3rd Thursday of every month! Share this newsletter with your team or just forward it to someone who might like to learn more about the people, projects and results. They can also subscribe to this newsletter here. If you no longer wish to receive this, please use the UNSUBSCRIBE link below.

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The OpenWallet Foundation is thrilled to welcome the new Chair, Stavros Kounis and Vice Chair Ace Shim, to the OWF Technical Advisory Council (TAC).

OWF is coordinating our community efforts at Digital Identity unConference Europe and Internet Identity Workshop. Find out more on our Discord (link below).

Recent Achievements:

OWF helped curate the Digital Wallets and Verifiable Credentials Devroom at FOSDEM this year. We were joined by teams sharing the following presentations:

  • Utilising EUDI Wallet ecosystems in your legacy systems – Michael Vognsen Nielsen, Thomas Rysgaard Christiansen from NetCompany
  • We need Disposable Digital Identities for a more secure and resilient digital society – Rob Van Kranenburg, Lorna Goulden, Friedger Müffke, Andrea D’Intino
  • Are current standards enough? Towards Verifiable Credentials with expressive zero knowledge query – Jesse Wright
  • DarkFi: Zero-Knowledge Cryptography for Anonymous Uncensored Organizations – Amir Taaki
  • Trustchain – Trustworthy Decentralised Public Key Infrastructure – Tim Hobson, Pamela Wochner, Sam Greenbury
  • Sample implementation of OpenId 4 Verifiable Presentation over Bluetooth Low Energy – Sebastian Kałuzinśk
  • Challenges for Wallets and Digital Trust Services following EUDI Wallet Architecture Reference Framework – Vangelis Sakkopoulos (Scytales), Connor Fitzmaurice (European Commission)

You can find the recordings and decks here.

FOSDEM is a unique experience. It was amazing and we hope to return next year.

OWF Project Updates:

Hedera, an OWF General Sponsor, recently contributed a plugin to the ACA-Py project. We are really excited to see this contribution. You can find out more from the meeting where Keith and Alex shared their work.

The Credo team shared a blog post about their first year as OWF Projects and what the community is building next.

VCX has joined OWF as a Growth Project and we are very excited to see this team join the community.

Special Interest Group Updates:

Architecture SIG
The next SIG call is Monday Feb 24 and our topic is “Cloud Based Wallets, Agents and Attached Storage”. Meeting information here. Please join us!

Wallet Interoperability SIG
Michel Sahli gave a presentation to the Wallet Interoperability SIG on the “Swiss e-ID Technology Stack and Interoperability”. The Wallet Interoperability SIG meets every Wednesday and you can find the wiki page for this meeting here.

What’s Next/Coming Soon:

OWF Projects are building a schedule of Ask-Me-Anythings (AMAs) to share the work and progress of the projects. We should have a schedule released in the next week or so.

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